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When Republicans rely on strawman arguments, you know they don't care about the real issues but instead misrepresent them for their own, personal gain.

Check out the popular ways strawman arguments are used and see just how dumb and gullible some people can be
Strawmen: Socialism

"Socialism" is one of the most effective strawmen for Trump supporters. By labeling virtually anything as "socialist", they can attempt to put others on the defensive. And they can make it into such a broad label that it can mean anything .. from "totalitarianism" to "authoritarianism" to "I'm mad at my mother because she wants me to clean my room".

One must be careful with the "socialist" label. Most who accuse others of being socialists are, in fact, themselves more dependent on handouts. Also, they are usually just crybabies who are afraid of real discussions.
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