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Trump is the victim
Donald Trump cares more for America than any president in history. And yet liberals are out to humiliate him, the press hangs on his every word and pounces when there is even the slightest discrepancy, and anyone who does love him simply hates him.

As a narcissistic sociopath, Trump doesn't care about anything but himself, and will lie and bully his way out of any situation rather than learning how to effectively lead.
Trump is the victim: He didn't say that.

Trump never said the myriad of things that he is accused of saying. Even though there are recording of him saying them. Remember, being recorded all the time is hard. You can't expect Trump to be consistent. So if he says he didn't say something, he didn't say say something, even if he did.

If is one thing for Trump to be fickle and make haphazard comments that are largely innocuous, and, at worst, make him look stupid. But comments that show he has no interest in being president outside of his personal gain is a different story.
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