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Devil Worship
"Heartbeat bill", "Anti CRT", "Election integrity" .. The Texas GOP has lost real moral authority to represent Texas. Instead it stokes and panders to vile rage at the expense of effective governance. In other words, it has embraced Devil Worship.

See how Devil Worship plays out in GOP politics.
Devil Worship: Amygdala

The key to understanding devil worship is to understand the amygdala. The amygdala controls emotional response to external threats - like when you are being attacked by a sabor tooth tiger and need to act quickly. But in a world devoid of sabor tooth tigers (and other life or death threats), the amygdala can be easily manipulated to make you think that you are being threatened when in fact you are not. In thews situations, you are worshiping the devil.

The ease at which people can seduced by fear and rage is a hallmark of modern mass media. It is the foundation of Fox News and other media outlets. When you find yourself falling for it, ask yourself if you are truly being influenced by world events or falling for the devil.
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