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Paxton Patriot
Be one of Ken Paxton's Patriots!!! Ken Paxton is fighting the "radical left" and its promotion of WOKE, CRT, gender affirming care, DEI, and so many other anti American movements. And you can help him accomplish this important mission!!!

Apply now to be a Paxton Patriot. For a mere $200 we'll submit* your application and appeal to Paxton to hire you as an interrogator, investigator, observer, or one of many other positions that will help Paxton, Texas, and America. *Employment is not guaranteed. No money back if you are not hired.
Paxton Patriot: Hospital investigator

Don't you hate it that those smarty pants from high school went on to become doctors and medical "professionals" while you spent most of your time in detention? Well you can now put them in their place.

Become one of Paxton's gender affirming care investigators!!! You'll visit children's hospitals and demand evidence that they are not engaged in gender affirming care. And if they can't, then Paxton can haul their asses off to jail. Yay!!!
Want to learn more?