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Your Own School!!!
Are you tired of dead end jobs, working 9-5 and having nothing to show for it? Are you looking for easy money? Do you live in Texas? Then Governor Abbott and the Texas GOP might create the opportunity for you: OWN YOUR OWN SCHOOL.

Abbott and the Texas GOP is pushing school vouchers. This is YOUR opportunity to build your own school and scam the heck of fellow conservatives!!!
Your Own School!!!: The Opportunity

The key to your opportunity to get rich off of Abbot's "educational freedom" program is School Vouchers. All you need to do is see vouchers as "free money" that you can pocket with no risk or retribution from the "authorities".

The way to exploit this opportunity is to recognize that those who who support "educational freedom" really don't give a rat's ass about education. They only care about appealing to the extreme right for their own political gain. So why not take advantage "education freedom" for your own financial gain?
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