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"A+ Leaders"
Donald J. Trump is in good company when he gives himself a grade of "A Plus". Nothing says "great leader" better than a leader who describes himself as a "great leader". And that is exactly what we are getting from Trump!!!

Some people think that great leaders are humble, open and honest. And their leadership skills are determined by their accomplishments, not by their words and physical presence. These leaders might be "effective", but they are not "great".
"A+ Leaders": Kim Jong Un

When Trump gives himself an "A Plus". he is in great company. Take Kim Jong un, the leader of North Korea. No one is loved more by his people than this guy. And no one loves his people more. That is why North Korea is great and why Trump likes to emulate Kim John un.

Some people criticize Kim Jong un for being a "tyrant" who brutalizes his people and lets them starve. Donald Trump knows this is just the crying ranting of "crybabies" and "losers".
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