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Own your own school!!!
Are you tired of being poor? Fed up with working your fingers to the bones while others get rich by just sitting on their tushes? Still waiting for your ship to home in? Well, you are in luck. in April, 2023, the Texas senate passed SB 8 - your ticket to starting your OWN SCHOOL!!!

When it becomes law, SB 8 will guarantee you an income of $8000 a year for each student you enroll. And what are your responsibilities? Just teach them crap. What could be easier?
Own your own school!!!: Brandon Creighton

Brandon Creighton is one of Dan Patrick's bitches .. eager to do Patrick's bidding as Patrick pursues his hateful and narrow minded agenda. SB 8 is a case in point. SB 8 is your chance to take advantage of the idiots who make up Patrick's core supporters: give them a school where you promise not to teach "CRT". not include "banned books", include parents in the curriculum, and basically cater to stupidity.

Basically you don't have to teach anything. Just treat them like idiots and let them sit around and play games while you rake in $8,000 a year per student, plus whatever you can milk the parents for.
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