But where has it led you?
Trump screwed up the COVID response which left the supply chain in ruins. This has created major inflation as the demands for goods and services increases while supplies can’t keep up. As a result the economy is shot. And conservatives have nothing to offer except misogynistic vitriol and rage.
And why? Because Trump is a pathological liar who is incapable of being president.
And you have nothing to show for your support of Trump. Instead you are relegated to posting stupid memes that badmouth Obama, or liberals, or a bunch of other things that just MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT!
Let’s face it, Trump supporters are idiots. And as a Trump supporter, you are an idiot!!!
So what to do? Easy. Purchase an “IANAI” certificate. At $50 the certificate is well worth the money. You may still be an idiot. but you’ll have a card that says you aren’t.