When a diplomatic cable about Trump says: | It means: |
Trump is a "very stable genius". | Trump is an unstable moron. |
Trump's cabinet is made up of "very smart people". | Trump's cabinet is dysfunctional and full of morons. |
The "failing New York Times just publishes fake news". | The New York Time reporting is correct and accurate. |
Trump is the "healthiest president ever". | Trump is obese and disgusting. |
Diplomatic Codes
The stir over the leaked cables of Sir Kim Darroch’s should have been avoided. All that was needed was a special code that allows diplomats to report about Trump and his administration in “Trump friendly terms”, but which actually have different meanings.
This code is perfect for a Trump era. Trump never pays attention to “hidden meanings”. When you say flattering things about him, you stroke his ego. And when you stroke his ego, he is happy and oblivious. So, if you are an ambassador to the US, check out his code to communicate what you really think of Trump and he’ll be none the wiser.