Global Warming Tools

Build your own ark!!!
With my designs, some simple tools and materials, and a little work you can have an ark just like mine!!!
We all know global warming is real and is causing oceans to rise. But real Americans (that is, Trump supporters) know that global warming is NOT caused by human activity. That is just a myth pushed by elitist liberals and atheists. Global warming is actually God’s punishment for us letting liberals run the deep state.

Since global warming is God’s will, we cannot, nor should not change it. Instead we should celebrate as God’s wrath washes away those who undermine the American values we embrace.

And while they are drowning, you can enjoy a nice vacation on your own Trump Ark!!! For only $25,000 I will send you the plans for your own ark!!! Build it in your garage and then haul it down to a lake, stream, or ocean. It doesn’t matter where, a rising flood raises all arks, so make sure your ark is one of them.

The humble ‘Trump Princess’.
Modest but comfortable home decor.
Your ark will be based on the design of Trump’s ‘Trump Princess’, a humble 282 foot yacht the likes of which all good MAGA supporters should have and enjoy. You should be able to find all the necessary tools and supplies at your local home improvement store. If you can’t, our instructions will include an email and snail mail address so you can ask Trump directly about where to get the pieces you need.

For an additional $15,000 you can also get plans to retrofit your ark for the various flora and fauna that are worth saving. Don’t worry, we won’t be saving any so called “endangered species”.

So don’t wait. Once I become president, be ready to get your plans!!!

Atlantis 2050

Picture of Atlantis
Get your picture of what Atlantis once looked like before is was overtaken by the great flood.
After the flood, and while the world is being cleansed, say by 2050, we can move on from the myth of Atlantis and have records of a real Atlantis. For only $1000 Trump will send you a picture of Atlantis now so that future generations will know what it looked like before it was washed over by the great flood.

You’ll be glad you have this picture for your kids and their comrades to ponder as they sail around the globe in your ark.

This will be a memorable gift so don’t wait!!!