Mule Piss

“I’m stronger than mule piss.”
Who likes to smell like “mule piss”? Total and complete assholes do.

McConnell gets his man .. who cares about America.
According to McConnell, nothing in Kentucky is stronger than “mule piss”. So it was no surprise that his commitment to seeing Kavanaugh appointed to SCOTUS was stronger than “mule pass”, despite concerns about Kavanaugh’s past behavior and current integrity. Mule piss is what it takes to trash America so you can put your man on SCOTUS.

And here are some examples of people who smell like Mule Piss:

Total asshole!!
Donald J. Trump!!! Well, of course, who else would be stupid enough to dismantle a critical early warning system for viruses, then sit back while a horrific virus takes root and spreads, then blames everyone else for the disaster.

Trump and his staff.
Trump’s staff – Yeah, you already knew they reek of mule piss.

You too are probably surrounded by people who reek of “mule piss”; protestors of “stay at home” orders; people who complain about wearing masks when going to the grocery store; people who still support Trump; local politicians who helped get Trump elected; and so many more.