Культ личностн!!! Kult lichnosti. Cult of personality. Let it help you!!!
The great thing about Donald Trump is that in the eyes of his supporters he can do no wrong. His approval among Republicans is in the solid 80% range despite boasting about grabbing pussies, ranting about “fake news”, badmouthing the justice department, having an affair with a porn star behind his wife’s back, then lying about it, then having the porn star paid off, then lying about knowing it, and that’s just warming up.How is this possible? Easy .. Cult of Personality.
If you would like the kind of appeal and adoration that Trump receives, then you need A cult of personality. Just think of a cult of personality can do for you:
- Cheat on your wife.
- Lie about cheating on your wife.
- Pay off the person you cheated with to keep her silent.
- Insist that you don’t know anything about paying off the person you cheated with.
- Then admit you knew that the person you cheated with had been paid off.
- Say that nothing you did was illegal so there was nothing wrong with it.
So stay tuned on how you can buy your own cult of personality and start living the dream!!!.